vocal ensemble performance, multicultural interaction, folk song traditions, folklore material, group repertoire.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to study the issue of the influence of the international cultural heritage of Transcarpathia on the formation of creative activity of the vocal ensemble. The methodological basis consists of research on the history of musical culture of Transcarpathia in the twentieth century, the development of creativity of Transcarpathian groups, theoretical works, articles and materials. The research methodology involves the use of methods of historical and theoretical musicology, systemic and analytical methods, as well as methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis, which helped to formulate conclusions. The conceptual principles of the study are based on the priority of the humanistic paradigm of intercultural dialogue in the modern cultural space of Ukraine. The equal involvement of representatives of all cultural groups in the process of formation of Ukrainian national identity provides the basis for social harmony and consolidation. Synthesis within the framework of one or another culture, universal and national values determines the interaction and mutual enrichment of cultures. An essential asset of national culture is the potential of cultural communities that are aware of their significance and identity within the framework of a certain culture. The folklore of Transcarpathia is a complex multi-level system of interaction of different ethnic forms and genres – vocal and instrumental, songritual and dance samples, which represent Ukrainian, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Roma, Hutsul, Lemki, Ruthenian folk strata. At the stage of its formation, the vocal ensemble performance of Transcarpathia underwent a significant ethnocultural influence, which manifested itself through the functioning of folk musical traditions of various ethnic groups that lived and still live in the region. The vocal ensemble as a means of preserving and reproducing the performing traditions of each ethnic group is an integral part of social creativity. The scientific novelty of the article is the study of the influence of the multicultural phenomenon of Transcarpathia on the creativity of vocal ensemble performance.
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