



school as a phenomenon, performing school, author's school.


Modern Ukrainian musicology is developing the definition, terminological apparatus, system of typological signs and classification of performing schools in more and more detail. The very definition of the concept, its content, signs, structure, range of functions differ significantly in the works of various researchers, which indicates the search and active formation of the most appropriate scientific apparatus (categorical, terminological, typological, etc.). Many researchers pay attention to the study of the characteristic features of individual instrumental or national performing schools. Other socio-political conditions were formed in the second half of the 20th century, and socio-cultural changes became a powerful impetus to the development and growth of the number of author schools, and at the same time to the formation of relevant concepts. The essence of the teacher's activity as a representative of the school consists, first of all, in teaching the student the technology of mastery. The value and truth of this training is revealed in the meaningfulness of the actions, in the proof of the «correctness» of the methods and recommendations chosen by the teacher, which are perceived and creatively implemented by the student. The stability of the school structure, which is ensured through cultural genesis, is combined with dynamic factors - new circumstances in which executive activity is carried out and which ensure the variability of programs while the school structure is stable as a phenomenon (Davydov, 2010: 6). The structuring of the school according to the ethnic-territorial principle takes place at the national, regional (peripheral, local), authorial (individual-pedagogical) levels. At each of the levels, the functions of the school are realized in a different way: cognitive, communicative and didactic. The cognitive function is aimed at summarizing and understanding creative, methodical, pedagogical, cognitive, educational experience through the creation of educational literature, repertoire collections, self-expression through interpretation and composition, and other types of creative activity. Communicative and didactic functions consist in the selection and development of a didactically verified system of transfer and assimilation of knowledge, cooperation between the teacher and the student on the stages of preparation for concert performances, the formation of the creative personality of the young musician in this process, the education of emotional, artistic, intellectual, technical and expressive spheres aimed at performing process.


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How to Cite

ДУШНИЙ, А., СТОРОНСЬКА, Н., & САЛІЙ, В. (2022). ON THE QUESTIONS OF THE DEFINITION OF THE PERFORMING AND AUTHOR SCHOOL. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (4), 31–38. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2022-4-4