musical art, vocal, choral, chamber, pop, traditions, performance, singing, singers.Abstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of Ukrainian vocal music in the performing aspect. Ukrainian vocal music attracts more attention from both viewers and scientists. Such interest is connected primarily with the talent of Ukrainian singers, with unsurpassed timbres of voices, with the charisma of individual features. Therefore, the study of the peculiarities of Ukrainian vocal art in the performance aspect becomes relevant. The author of the article considers Ukrainian vocal performance to be a treasure in the European cultural space. On the basis of modern scientific literature, the methods of content analysis, observation and synthesis revealed that this is a unique field of academic vocals together with the interpenetration of performance techniques of traditional Ukrainian singing. Vocal music is one that intended for singing. This is a special link of the general musicological context. Thanks to the vocal performance, the awareness of the meaning of the human voice is revealed, which acts as an instrument with superpowers that captures the human soul. The artistic image of a vocal work is conveyed through the presence of physical features of the human vocal apparatus. A professional singing voice is the result of vocal apparatus special training. The voice delivered in an academic manner is characterized by ringing and roundness of vowels and a timbre beauty. It has a two-octave range and dynamic capabilities, with a singing character. The singer must also have clear diction, clearly and distinctly pronounce the poetic text when singing. There is a distinction between pop performance and academic performance. In the context of global vocal performance, we have singers who raise the glory of Ukrainian vocal art in the 21st century. In general, Ukrainian vocal music in terms of performance is a unique phenomenon of world musical culture.
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