Ukrainian composer Yaroslav Vereshchahin, the last third of the 20th century.Abstract
The materials were reviewed, that highlighting the details of Ya. Vereshchahin’s biography based on his documents and works, which were found in the home archive of the artist’s daughter, Bohdana. The article examined the life and creative path of Ukrainian composer Yaroslav Vereshchahin (1948 – 1999), who was most closely associated with the Kyiv school of composers. Analysis of the period in which the composer worked – the last third of the 20th century – allows to evaluate the impact of surrounding events on the artist’s creative personality and, conversely, to determine the composer’s place in them. At the same time, the topic of revival of interest in the creative heritage of Ya. Vereshchahin is raised. The purpose of the publication is to highlight the creative figure of Yaroslav Vereshchahin in the context of his time (the period of the last third of the 20th century). The main methodological principles of the work are the use of complementary methods: theoretical-analytical (analysis of historical and musicological works and generalization of socio-political conditions of the functioning of culture in the 1970s-90s of the 20th century) and historical-biographical (description of the life and creative path of Ya. Vereshchahin and the cultural and artistic environment in which the composer was formed). Scientific novelty of the article. For the first time in the practice of Ukrainian musicology, the object of research is the creative figure of Ya. Vereshchahin in the context of his era. Conclusions. After a detailed analysis of various aspects of Ya. Vereshchahin’s life and work, it should be noted that the formation of the composer’s creative individuality was influenced by his upbringing and environment, meetings and acquaintances. All this was reflected in his music and poems, because the composer spent most of his life trying to realize his personality through the actualization of various artistic phenomena and the prism of contacts with talented people. Summarizing the above observations, we have reason to conclude that Ya. Vereshchahin’s work variously reflected the contradictions and paradoxes of the era in which he lived.
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