



Ira Malaniuk, Elsa Malaniuk, metric records, matura


The purpose of the research as a whole is examining and evaluating the vocal and performing creative work of the outstanding Ukrainian singer Ira Malaniuk in the context of Ukrainian and European musical culture of the 20th century. The purpose of this article is the publication and analysis of archival records of the birth, baptism and confirmation of Ira Malanyuk and her sister Elsa in the record book of the Stanislav Cathedral, which is kept in the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region (DAIFO), clarification of some problems, and even the mysteries of these metric records in a wider biographical and historical context, in particular issues of Latin transliteration and/or translation of Ukrainian personal names and surnames at the time of the formation of the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR), as well as an analysis of some educational documents of Ira Malaniuk, which are stored in her personal archive fund at the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts (Austria). Research methodology is historical and philological analysis of archival documents. The relevance and scientific novelty. The analysis of documents newly found in public and private Ukrainian and Austrian archives made it possible to pose some problems of the family and artistic genealogy of Ira Malaniuk in a new way as well as to highlight some moments of the history of Ukrainian official paper work and Ukrainian official written language. Conclusions. The location of the archival metrical records of the birth, baptism and anointing of Ira Malaniuk and her sister Elsa in the metrical book of the Stanislav Cathedral was established, copied and analyzed. The problem of confessional affiliation of Elsa and Ira is considered. The issue of Latin transliteration and translation of Ukrainian personal names and surnames at the time of the UNR formation is clarified. An analysis of educational documents of Ira Malaniuk is made in the context of her creative biography.


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How to Cite

ІВАНЧУК, С.-І. (2023). OUTSTANDING UKRAINIAN SINGER IRA MALANYUK: NEW FINDINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (5), 9–16. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2022-5-2