



Iryna Gubarenko, universal personality, theater, creativity,


The purpose of the article is to understand the various aspects of Iryna Gubarenko's creative activity as components of her universal personality, as well as to determine the artist's personal contribution to the development of national culture, which contributed to the continuation of the Cherkashin-Gubarenko family traditions. The methodological basis of the research is based on the logical-generalizing, textological, source studies methods, the study of biographical materials related to the work of Iryna Gubarenko. The scientific novelty is caused by the fact of the first appeal in a scientific study to the creative activity of Iryna Gubarenko, which is aimed at revealing her as a universal personality. The compositional, literary, poetic, directing, performing activities of Iryna Gubarenko throughout her life were analyzed. Conclusions. The opportunity to follow different directions of creative activity, to analyze Iryna Gubarenko's literary, poetic, compositional and theatrical activities made it possible to determine the universalism of her creative personality. This study examines various spheres of her activity, which fully highlight the individuality of her talent. It is because of the variety of activities throughout her life that Irina can be counted among universal personalities. In the course of the article, it is emphasized that the combination of various types of activities in one person is a manifestation of the specificity of Iryna Gubarenko's worldview, which was revealed in her realization of her abilities to develop personal expression in the language of various arts. The appeal of composers (V. Sylvestrov, M. Shukha) to Iryna's literary and poetic work, modern performers to the interpretation of her works, as well as scientific interest in her work as a whole, indicates an increased interest in identifying the features of Iryna's creative individuality and identity as a talented creator. Among the important personalistic-biographical aspects of the study of Iryna's individuality, a connection with her upbringing in a creative family, with her immediate circle of communication, with the conditions of her professional activity was revealed, which determined the significant contribution of this universal creator to the development of Ukrainian culture in the second half of the 20th century.


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How to Cite

БАЗАН, О. (2023). UNIVERSALISM OF THE CREATIVE PERSONALITY OF IRYNA GUBARENKO. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (1), 3–11. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2023-1-1