folk song performance, musicological discourse, folk song performance paradigm, phenomenology and ontology of performanceAbstract
Folk song performance is an attribute marker of the Ukrainian artistic space, the phenomenological and ontological specificity of which has always been the focus musicological knowledge. The purpose of the article is to identify the leading conceptual direction in the musicological discourse on issues of folk song performance. The research methodology is based on the principle of the system approach, analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty consists in the systematization and delineation of the latest directions of modern musicological knowledge aimed at highlighting the phenomenological and ontological specificity of folk song art. Conclusion. The article, based on the analysis of modern research on a wide range of issues of folk song performance, highlights the specifics of such leading research modes as: phenomenological, focused identification of the specifics of performing folklorism and amateurism as a cultural phenomenon; cultural, within which the newest understanding of folk song art is constructed as an artistic reflection of the genetic code and mentality of the nation, a factor of identity and being of traditional ethnoculture; regional, which is distinguished by an in-depth study of the history and performance specifics of folk song performance, in particular in the context of the activities of the Ukrainian diaspora; methodical, within which new question of pedagogy arise, related to the need to strengthen the significance of the Ukrainian studies foundation of the modern professional training of a folk song performer, regionally marked performance skills and the emotional component of folk song art, its directing and synthesis with the markers of pop art; personal, marked by the focus on identifying the specifics of the interpretation of the folk song performance paradigm in the works of outstanding folk song performers; terminological, which is characterized by the tendency to expand the terminological apparatus on issues of folk song performance, activation of the circulation of the concept «ethnoaesthetic», «folk song role»; functional, focused on highlighting the problems of existence of folk song art in the artistic space of modernity.
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