folk Ukrainian music, Ukrainika, chamber music, folkloreAbstract
Our present sends messages to the younger generation of a fleeting vision of preserving the fundamental layer of Ukrainian folk music, which has absorbed a courageous century-old history, bright and colorful modernity and an incomprehensible and secret future. The theme of folk Ukrainian music is always relevant, reveals the powerful potential of possibilities and a combination of sometimes incongruous, because it is based on historical memory, ethnic characteristics and freedom of spirit. Folk Ukrainian in music, for every Ukrainian, is an expression of pride and indestructibility, the desire for freedom and prosperity, an example of kindness and courage. An important and relevant direction of musical creativity, in the time of rapid informatization and technical development, is the focus of modern cultural society on the preservation of national heritage and the direction of strengthening Ukrainian national priorities, educating the younger generation in the spirit of freedom and independence. Constant historical memory, its honor and the study of bright patriotic events should constantly be heard for the future generation. In the study, through a socio-cultural combination of Ukrainian folk music, an analysis of the significance of musical identity in Ukrainian society is carried out on the basis of the survey. The article discusses the methods of the basics of determining, combining and forming folk Ukrainian music, structural analysis of the relationship of folk Ukrainika with modernity. The study and analysis of the Ukrainian society's understanding of the scale and globality of the mission of Ukrainianness turns the page of today. Rethinking the significance of existence, bringing Ukrainian culture to the world, especially Ukrainian music, both chamber and folk, is relevant and important. Ukrainika raises the spirit of nationality, exacerbates the need to preserve historical memory for the future generation.
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