


Ukrainian musical, theatre genre, development traditions, vocal art, show industry


The purpose of the work is to highlight the tendencies in the development of American and Ukrainian musicals in the musical culture of the 21st century. The research methodology is based on art history and analytical methods. Scientific novelty. The article reveals the trends in the development of musicals both in America and in Ukraine. The main reasons for the "lag" of the Ukrainian musical in development (compared to the American one) have been clarified, the genre of the musical has been characterized as the most popular product in the world culture of the 21st century. The names of American and Ukrainian musicals, which determine the genre and style characteristic of this genre, have been singled out. Conclusions. The analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of the development of musicals in the world and directly in Ukraine implies a constant process of updating this genre in modern art. The musical, as a mass-spectacle genre, is aimed at the constant search for new means of expression. This is primarily reflected in the unlimited thematic, stylistic and genre boundaries. The modern musical has gone through a long way of its formation and development. It continues to interest musicians, singers and listeners all over the world, regardless of nationality, social status, etc. Since the 2000s, the musical has sought to be in the niche of a mass show, its musical themes go beyond the boundaries of theatre or cinema. In order to constantly be at the peak of its popularity, the form of a theatrical musical is transformed into the form of a musical film, thus expanding the audience of the viewer. For the further development and improvement of the Ukrainian musical, there is not enough of a national repertoire, the economic rise of our country, the growth of the material income of the audience, which directly affects the dynamics of the rental of musicals according to the laws of show business within the music industry. It is important to create conditions for the rental of both domestic musicals and the best examples of world musicals. The globalization processes of the modern world contribute to the development and creative connection of the Ukrainian musical with other musical traditions. This determines the further interest of domestic and foreign musicologists in this genre and makes the study of tendencies in the development of musicals in the 21st century, in particular Ukrainian, relevant.


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How to Cite

ТЕСЛЕР, Т. (2023). MUSICAL OF THE 21ST CENTURY: DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (1), 122–128.