



volunteer, volunteer activity, humanitarian aid, mutual aid groups, social services, management


The development and transformation of voluntary associations of citizens during military aggression is an actual direction of research in various fields of science, in particular, since 2014 – in Ukraine. The article attempts to highlight the features of the organization of volunteer activities in the temporarily occupied territory using the example of the city of Kherson. For carrying out the research, there were used general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization and comparison of information from open sources (in particular, the basis was the analysis of messages of various types of social networks, the author's own experience and interviews with volunteers in Kherson); content analysis of full-text scientific works in the scientometric database of Google Scholar, the database of the legislation of Ukraine. Based on own experience and materials of surveys and analysis of open sources, the features of the organization of volunteer activities in the conditions of a temporarily occupied city are described. It is determined that various forms of E-volunteering are effective under conditions of competent monitoring and needs assessment, as well as prevention of volunteer burnout and compliance with safety standards.


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How to Cite

ГУРІЧ, В. (2023). EXPERIENCE OF ORGANIZING VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES IN THE TEMPORARILY OCCUPIED TERRITORY (KHERSON). Humanitas, (2), 20–25. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2023.2.3

