penitentiary system, convicts, social rehabilitation, social worker, directions of social work in penitentiary institutionsAbstract
The article considers the issues of social work in penitentiary institutions, defines its purpose, analyzes the main technologies of social work in this system. The purpose of our study is to analyze the professional activities of social workers in prisons. Research methods are: methods of analysis, comparison and generalization of sources on the researched problem. Social work with convicts is one of the types of penitentiary work, which can be defined as a specific type of professional activity, which includes: social assistance, support, protection of convicts, assistance in employment and housing of persons released from prisons, as well as their adaptation in society after liberation. The scientific novelty of the study is that the features of social work in the penitentiary system (widespread prison, criminal subculture; criminogenic interpersonal communication, as well as limited normal communication; the prevalence of criminal ways of resolving contradictions; the presence of various forms of violence; unfavorable social climate; increased risk of violence, insults, violation of human dignity). Particular attention is paid to the specifics of social workers in penitentiary institutions, the development of new professional competencies, updating the theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists in connection with the requirements for the level of qualification and the need to master modern methods of solving professional problems. The principles of work of a social worker in penitentiary institutions are specified, namely: universality, protection of social rights, prevention, social response, client-centeredness, confidentiality, tolerance, self-reliance and the principle of maximizing social resources). The results of the study showed that strategic planning is an important activity carried out by a specialist in social work with convicts; assessment of the convict’s needs; work with families of convicts, etc. The components of the professional culture of a social worker are characterized: the personality of the social worker of the penitentiary institution, his theoretical and practical professional experience, developed personal qualities.
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