



international migration, acculturation, integration, assimilation, segmented assimilation, multiculturalism, ethnic and racial stratification.


The article systematizes the main sociological concepts in the field of migrants’sociocultural adaptation to host societies within the framework of sociology of international migration from 20th century to present days. The theories of direct assimilation, segmental assimilation, cultural pluralism (multiculturalism) and ethnic-racial stratification are presented. Direct assimilation theory assumes that newly arrived migrants follow a gradual adaptive convergence with the host society. The theory of segmental assimilation emphasizes that migrants and their descendants assimilate with different segments of the host society. The theory of ethnic-racial stratification emphasizes the social stratification of immigrant groups based on ethnic or racial characteristics, which directly affects the level of adaptation of these groups to the host society. The theory of multiculturalism envisages the achievement of socio-cultural unity between migrants and the host society through mutual respect for the differences of representatives of other cultures. It is concluded that despite the significant number of existing theories of adaptation of migrants, there is currently no single, agreed theory of adaptation of migrants to a foreign cultural environment in the sociological discourse. However, the analysis of the relevant literature shows that a complete understanding of the adaptation of migrants to the host society cannot be achieved by relying only on the tools of one theory or one level of analysis. Rather, the complex, multifaceted nature of the adaptation process requires the integration of multiple theories and levels of analysis, that can serve as a promising direction for further sociological research in this field of science.


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How to Cite

ПЛЮЩ, В. (2023). MIGRANTS’ADAPTATION: SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES AND CONCPTS GENESIS. Humanitas, (3), 79–95. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2023.3.12

