HIV, socially dangerous phenomenon, social prevention, prevention program, optional course, evaluationAbstract
The article focuses on the issues of complex application of quantitative and qualitative methods of preventive interventions assessment. The necessity of using qualitative methods in prevention assessment is substantiated and assessment results of the school preventive optional course "Stepping Life" with the use of such methods are presented. During evaluation of prevention programs, it is a common practice to compare quantitative indicators that reflect achievement indicators at the beginning and at the end of prevention work in experimental and control groups. It allows to assess the overall effectiveness of the program, but does not allow to disclose all the effects and problems that arise during implementation of prevention programs. It is proved that combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis allows to describe all the real results of prevention program implementation and find ways of its improvement. The comprehensive usage of quantitative and qualitative methods within evaluation of the school preventive elective course "Stepping Life", implemented in the framework of the project «Prevention of HIV and Support of Psychosocial Health in Ukraine» by All-Ukrainian Charity “Child Well-Being Fund Ukraine” showed that in addition to achieving planned goals the course contributed to the development of teenagers' general communication skills, decision making skills, self-determination and the formation of their identity, improving relationships with peers and parents. Qualitative research has found that the issue of personal development has drew more attention of teenagers, while preventing problems, which they may face in the future, was interesting, but not always considered as relevant. It is concluded that insufficient awareness of teenagers of the relevance of prevention tasks and lack of concern of teachers to adolescent problems may hinder achievement of maximum effectiveness of prevention courses. The results of the study allowed the authors to formulate recommendations for improving school prevention courses and further work on the methodology of their evaluation.
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