pedagogical conditions, social support, difficult life circumstances, professional competence, competenceAbstract
The article highlights the problem of identifying pedagogical conditions that will ensure the effectiveness of training future social workers to work with children and families in the difficult life circumstances. The author aims to find out the pedagogical conditions for the formation of future social workers' competence to carry out professional activities with families in the difficult life circumstances. Within the competence approach, the competence of social workers with families in difficult life circumstances is singled out and characterized. It contains three components – cognitive (knowledge of the causes of the family in difficult life circumstances; the problems facing the family; methods and stages of social support of families in the difficult life circumstances; regulations in this area, etc. ), operational activity (possession of technology of social support of a family in the difficult life circumstances; ability to carry out their diagnostics; possession of nonverbal means of communication; ability to interpret normative-legal acts regulating activity on social support, etc.), motivational (positive motivation to the ongoing social support of families, the desire to improve professional skills for effective activities). In future social workers are revealed the criteria of formation of cognitive, operational-activity and motivational components of the above-mentioned competence. The process of forming the competence of social support of families in the difficult life circumstances will be most effective provided in such organizational and pedagogical conditions as: the organization of education based on the integration of academic disciplines; implementation of practical training and extracurricular activities of future social workers in the higher educational institutions on the basis of social partnership; use of active teaching methods in the educational process in order to prepare for the performance of professional functions in the social support of families in the difficult life circumstances.
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