innovative technologies, social work, professional competence, educational methods, training of specialistsAbstract
The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process to improve the level of professional competence of social workers. The paper considers modern approaches and methods that can be used in the educational process for the training of specialists in the field of social work. The purpose of the study is to systematize innovative technologies that contribute to the further development of professional competencies of qualified specialists in the social sphere. Research methods include literature analysis, publications with practicing social workers and teachers, as well as analysis of the experience of using innovative technologies in various educational institutions. The results of the study show that the use of innovative technologies in the training of social workers leads to a significant increase in their professional competence. Innovative pedagogical methods, including interactive learning and group work, as well as problem-based approaches for analyzing real-life situations, proved to be important. It has also been determined that block-modular and software and integrative technologies that facilitate more flexible and individualized learning. In addition to technology, the emphasis is placed on the integration of theory and practice, soft skills development, adaptation to digital technologies, experiential learning, continuous professional development, individualized approach to working with clients, education on ethics and professional standards, and a multidisciplinary approach. The practical significance of the study is to provide recommendations to educational institutions on the introduction of modern technologies in the educational process, which can help improve the quality of training of future social workers.
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