unemployment, employment, internally displaced persons, social protection, employment serviceAbstract
The article is devoted to substantiating the relevance of the employment problem as a form of social protection for internally displaced persons. In the process of research, the method of analyzing psychological and pedagogical sources from the researched problem, methods of comparison and generalization were used. A number of regulatory and legal documents were analyzed: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine «On Employment of the Population», «On Mandatory State Social Insurance in Case of Unemployment», «On Social Services»; The Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine, other acts of legislation, which establish the state's social guarantees regarding citizens' realization of the right to work, regulate the issue of organizational, institutional, resource support for the state's implementation of measures to promote the employment of the population of Ukraine and protect against unemployment. Various definitions of the concept of «unemployment» in regulatory and legal documents and works of researchers of the problem were studied; the problems faced by internally displaced persons when looking for work are highlighted (lack of vacancies by specialty and level of education; low wages; unwillingness of the employer to hire IDPs; insufficient professional skills and work experience for employment; problems with registration for work due to lack of documents, including unbroken labor relations with the previous employer). The main classifications of unemployment according to various criteria are considered, namely: causes of unemployment (frictional, structural, cyclical, seasonal, unemployment caused by high labor costs); the form of manifestation of unemployment (open, hidden); duration of unemployment (short-term, medium-term and long-term unemployment); prevalence of unemployment (nationwide, regional, sectoral, urban, rural); socio-professional composition of the unemployed. Areas of work in employment centers with internally displaced persons regarding employment and job search are highlighted, namely: professional information, professional counseling and professional selection.
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