social assistance, psychological support, charity, public organizations, vulnerable population groupAbstract
In today’s conditions, the social work of charitable foundations in Ukraine with persons who are in the de-occupied territories is important for ensuring their basic needs and restoring normal life. The purpose of the article is to highlight the key features of the social work of charitable foundations with people located in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine and to identify the problems that hinder it. The research methodology includes descriptive methods, observation, analysis, synthesis. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the work of domestic charitable foundations in the de-occupied territories in the context of the russo-Ukrainian war. Conclusions. It has been determined that the social work of charitable foundations in Ukraine is implemented through various forms and instruments (provision of material assistance, medical care, psychological support, educational programs, temporary housing, and reintegration programs for internally displaced persons and those affected by the conflict). During the study, the author systematized information about the main charitable foundations engaged in social activities with people in the de-occupied territories (the "Let’s help" charitable foundation, the "Through the War" public association, the Center for Volunteerism and Protection, the Viktor Leshchinsky Charitable Foundation, the "Ordinary People" public organization, the "All-Ukrainian Youth Movement Let’s do it Ukraine" public organization, and the national scout organization of Ukraine "Plast"). Additionally, based on the research results, a number of problems hindering the further development of charitable foundations have been identified. It has been established that charitable foundations working in the de-occupied territories face limited access to these areas due to difficult conditions and the need to obtain special permits, as well as destroyed infrastructure, which complicates the implementation of social work. The limited financial and human resources, along with bureaucratic obstacles, further complicate the implementation of aid programs.
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