global aging, social adaptation, demographic processes, social worker, social work, social programAbstract
In recent years, the life expectancy of the population on the planet has increased. This has led to an increase in the rate of global aging. The identified problem creates new challenges for society related to the support and social security of the elderly. In this regard, there is a need to find new effective methods of interaction with this age group of the population. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively and comprehensively study the issue of social work with the elderly in the conditions of global aging. To achieve the goal, general scientific methods of cognition were used. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the impact of demographic and sociocultural processes on the need to adapt social programs and services for the elderly in accordance with their needs and capabilities was investigated. Innovative approaches implemented in the field of social work with the target audience, which allow to improve the process of providing assistance and support to the vulnerable category of the population, are considered. The prospects for the development of social work with the elderly in the context of the aggravation of the demographic problem of population aging, which require the introduction of innovative methods of support, have been clarified. The use of the latest technologies and methods in social work can significantly improve the quality of life of the elderly. This includes the development of programs focused on individual needs, as well as the use of digital solutions to ensure effective support and care. Social work with the elderly is a relevant and important component of the modern social environment. The global aging of the population presents society with new challenges and tasks, including the development and implementation of effective programs and services for the target audience. The study confirmed the need for constant improvement of social conditions and their adaptation to changes in the demographic and sociocultural space. The obtained results can become the basis for further scientific research and the development of practical recommendations for improving the quality of life of the elderly in the conditions of global aging.
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