professionalism, professional competence, professional training, emotional and volitional stability, future officersAbstract
The article deals with the problem of forming emotional and volitional stability in future officers. The essence of the concept of «emotional and volitional stability of the future officer» is revealed as his ability to quickly orient himself in the conditions of constant changes in the circumstances of professional activity, find the optimal solution in complex non-standard situations and at the same time maintain endurance and self-control. The role of emotional and volitional stability in the future professional activity of an officer is substantiated, and its main components are listed. It is indicated that the emotional and volitional stability of a military serviceman is the basis of his professionalism and professional competence, and therefore, the level of its formation largely depends not only on the effectiveness of the activities of the officer entrusted to the military unit, the effectiveness of his leadership of this formation, but also, in the conditions of full-scale russian aggression in Ukraine – and the preservation of life and health of personnel. It is noted that the insufficient level of emotional and volitional stability of the future officer is accompanied by significant psycho-emotional stress, which, as a rule, leads to him making wrong decisions, and in extreme cases – to panic, poor performance of tasks. Attention is paid to the theoretical and practical principles of the specified process. It is based on the idea that the formation of emotional and volitional stability in future officers should be carried out under the guidance of a psychologist/social pedagogue of a higher military education institution both during their professional training and in the process of self-development and in their free time from service/study. The author offers recommendations for the formation of emotional and willpower stability in future officers. It is noted that a promising direction of further research in this area is the study of foreign experience of professional training of future officers in general and the formation of their emotional and volitional stability in particular.
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