war, veteran, social work, social reintegration, social adaptation, information technologies, trainingAbstract
Russia's open, full-scale invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated a number of social problems that require immediate resolution. One of them is the social reintegration of war veterans into civilian society. The process of adapting war veterans to a peaceful environment and returning them to a more or less full-fledged life is complex, requires a lot of time and effort, and requires the use of appropriate mechanisms, means and technologies, among which information technologies occupy an important place. The research is focused on the analysis and evaluation of the role of information technologies that can be used for the social reintegration of war veterans, in particular, information resources for the provision of social benefits and assistance, interactive platforms for professional guidance and training, online communities for social support of a person, etc. The research revealed that the use of information technologies can significantly facilitate the access of war veterans to various social services, as well as contribute to their effective social reintegration. The results of the study emphasize the need for the development of new information technologies and the introduction of existing ones, which have been tested and approved by war veterans, into the assistance programs provided to them, in order to ensure their proper support and facilitate their quick and high-quality return to civilian life. The article also emphasizes the importance of creating a single information space for social work with persons who find themselves in difficult life circumstances, including veterans, which will significantly facilitate the registration of all types of social assistance and benefits for them. In the future, it is necessary to study the foreign experience of using information technologies in the reintegration of combatants into civil society in order to implement the best examples of it in Ukraine.
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