management, social work, management of social work, conflict, conflict resolution, causes of conflicts, social sphereAbstract
Changes in society, such as the economic crisis, migration, increasing inequality, social tension and others, create new challenges for social work, increasing the risk of conflicts. Social work involves interaction with different categories of the population that have different needs, interests and social conditions. In such conditions, conflicts become an integral part of the management process. Effective conflict management is important for improving the quality of provided social services, as their optimal resolution contributes to a better understanding of clients' needs, increasing their level of satisfaction and trust in social institutions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the causes of conflicts in the management of social work. The article reviews the latest research and publications on the above-mentioned topic, identifies the main types and causes of conflicts, and suggests strategies for overcoming them. The article notes that the ability to effectively manage conflicts contributes to a deep understanding of the needs of clients, increasing their level of satisfaction and strengthening trust in social services. The article analyzes scientific works and summarizes the concept of "conflict". It was found that conflicts have a multifaceted nature and can arise on the basis of different motives, values, interests and views. The main causes of conflicts are presented and the types of conflicts (intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and organizational) are distinguished. Research and development of effective methods of conflict management in social work are important for ensuring stable and harmonious functioning of social services, increasing the efficiency of their activities and improving the quality of life of the population.
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