non-governmental organizations, social problems, civil societyAbstract
The article highlights the development of theoretical aspects of research on the participation of non-governmental organizations in solving social problems. In the modern stage of societal development, where individual issues often intertwine with global challenges, NGOs are playing an increasingly important role. Social issues such as poverty, unemployment, discrimination, violence, and limited access to quality healthcare and education are becoming increasingly pressing. Unfortunately, the state is not always able to respond effectively to all challenges, especially in conditions of limited funding and bureaucratic obstacles. In this context, NGOs play a significant role, actively engaging in solving social problems and being the first to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups of the population. The advantages of NGOs include the ability to attract volunteers and financial resources from donors, which allows them to expand the scope of their activities. Furthermore, NGOs often employ specialists from various fields who have extensive practical experience working with vulnerable groups, enabling them to better assess situations and propose effective solutions. These professionals possess not only expertise in their specific areas but also teamwork skills that enhance coordination and ensure more efficient use of resources. This is a prerequisite for maintaining a high level of expertise in addressing social issues. Such a multidisciplinary approach allows not only for examining problems from different perspectives but also for developing innovative solutions that meet the real needs of communities. NGOs provide flexibility, innovation, and responsiveness that are often unavailable to state structures. They work directly with communities, deeply understanding their needs and are capable of developing targeted support programs. Additionally, NGOs act as vital intermediaries between society and the government, advocating for the interests of those most in need of help.
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