family, domestic violence, prevention and overcoming of domestic violence, territorial communities of the region, institutions of social orientationAbstract
The article emphasizes that Ukrainian society still feels the burden of the problem of domestic violence, which is characterized by scale, manifests itself in various forms, such as psychological violence (prolonged or permanent mental impact on a person to degrade honor and dignity), physical (intentional infliction of physical harm to a person, which can lead to death), economic (intentional deprivation of housing, food, clothing, other property that provokes physical and mental disorders or death), sexual (involvement of adults by force in sexual intercourse, children by consent / without consent to sexual intercourse with adults). Domestic and foreign scientists who participated in the study of various aspects of domestic violence as a social phenomenon are mentioned. The socio-psychological consequences of domestic violence are outlined. We highlighted the results of a study of the work of territorial communities to ensure the implementation of state policy at the regional level to prevent and combat domestic violence and gender-based violence through monitoring the status of relevant measures. In particular, the number of territorial centers of social services, centers of social services, centers for comprehensive rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, specialized support services for victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence is indicated (day care crisis centers of social and psychological assistance to victims; mobile teams of social and psychological assistance to victims; specialized services of primary social and psychological counseling of victims; crisis rooms around the clock (up to 10 days); hotlines; office of correctional and rehabilitation services) and the Khmelnytsky Regional Center for Social and Psychological Assistance, which serves as a shelter for victims of domestic violence. The work of local councils is revealed. The long-term joined action plan of the Department of Social Protection of the Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration, local governments and social institutions for the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Program to Support the Family, Prevent and Combat Domestic Violence until 2025 is highlighted. Gaps in the provision of social services have been identified, and the need to create specialized support services for victims of domestic violence by all territorial communities in the region has been noted. It is recommended to eliminate the identified shortcomings, optimize informational, educational and rehabilitation work with perpetrators and victims of domestic violence.
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