youth center, youth, youth work, Youth center “START”, social workAbstract
Youth centers and spaces are the main partners of local authorities in the implementation of youth policy, as their activities are aimed at strengthening the work of government agencies and creating conditions for meaningful leisure, education and self-realization of youth. The purpose of the work is to analyze the activity of the Youth Center “START” of the Youth Center “START” of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and to determine the prospects for further development. The methodology is based on general scientific methods (observation of the practical activities of the Youth Center “START” in higher education; analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific sources on the problem, reports, plans, activities of the Youth Center “START” of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University). The scientific novelty of the work is that the study first highlights the main objectives of the Youth Center “START” of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University; the directions in which the work is carried out in the Center are presented; the scientific sources of researchers who dealt with the problems of youth centers of Ukraine are analyzed; the activity of the youth center for the last 3 years (2019–2021) in the following areas is revealed: educational-scientific, leisure, information-consulting, project, vocational guidance, mentoring. The purpose of the Center is the comprehensive development and self-realization of young people in various spheres of public life, the disclosure of its potential, protection of interests and rights; promotion of social formation and development, professional orientation and organization of meaningful leisure; support for talented youth. Conclusions: Youth Center “START” is an effective tool and means of creating opportunities for the development of young people, their independence and autonomy, the organization of healthy and safe leisure and recreation of young people; helping young people in their interaction with the government and politicians; creating opportunities for young people to be involved in non-formal education, which contributes to the development of their competencies.
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