social competence, youth, non-governmental organizations, methods, diagnostic toolsAbstract
The article considers the problem of formation and diagnosis of social competence of youth in the activities of public organizations. The scientific approaches to the structural components and indicators of social competence are analyzed and the indicators of the formation of social competence of young people in the activities of public organizations are substantiated. Criteria of social competence are revealed: motivational-personal, cognitive-value, communicative, activity. The social competence which covers professional, educational, public, personal spheres of human life is presented. It was found that social competence is the most important for establishing social contacts, understanding the essence of interpersonal interaction. A set of diagnostic methods for determining the level of social competence of young people in the activities of public organizations is proposed. The expediency of the presented methods of studying the level of formation of social competence is substantiated. It was found that the methods will explore the skills of critical thinking, creativity, communication and personal potential, the level of management of their emotions, the need for communication, self-esteem, empathic skills, motivation to succeed, the ability to critically analyze information, persuasion techniques, distractions and more. A brief description of techniques such as: “Measurement of communicative and social competence” by KOSKOM V. M. Kunitsyna, “Adapted test of critical thinking” by L. Starki, questionnaire by Y.M. Orlov “Need for communication”, “Test of emotional intelligence EQ” by N. Hall, questionnaire by M. Scherer and G. Maddux “Scale of self-efficacy”, “Diagnosis of personal creativity” E. Tunic, questionnaire A. Rean “Motivation for success and fear of failure”, “Diagnosis of self-control in communication” by M. Snyder, “Diagnosis of the level of empathy” by I. Yusupovа.
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