



cyberspace, virtual space, digital space, Internet, social networks, communication, young people


The issue of possible both positive and negative influence of cyberspace on the personality, consciousness and life of a modern young person in this article is considered, the concepts of the digital space and the individual who constantly uses and is located in it, the social networks, which is an environment of communication, self-presentation and implementation for young people and provide the right to speak, to participate in discussions and debates, to find like-minded people, opponents and close by interests, goals and priorities groups, the educational process, which is a kind of separate system of non-formal education and enlightenment, the format of which is available for participation of persons, regardless of their state of health, location or wealth, etc. are defined. The features of communication in cyberspace, the reproduction, dissemination and storing of practically unlimited amount of information and entertainment, the importance of the ability to work with them properly and efficiently, are outlined and also the possibilities of numerous ways of self-expression, self-improvement and learning for individuals are presented. The author analyzes the opinion of foreign scholars about cyberspace as a mediator that helps to organize working and free time, promotes the development and formation of personality, forms the appropriate level of culture and expands the experience of communication, however, he notes that the continuous, purposeless and incompetent using of information sites and relentless use of social networks, have a number of risks and further consequences of the positive and negative influence of cyberspace on the personality of a young person in the modern world.


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How to Cite

ЗАБОЛОЦЬКИЙ, Т. (2021). СYBERSPACE AS A TOOL OF SOCIAL INFLUENCE ON YOUNG PEOPLE. Humanitas, (1), 22–27. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2021.1.4

