socio-pedagogical activity, social pedagogue, primary school students, deviant behavior, deviation, social controlAbstract
The article raises the problem of studying the features of socio-pedagogical activities with primary school students who are prone to deviant behavior through the prism of psychological and pedagogical research. The study analyzes that deviant behavior of primary school students is a type of behavior in which there are deviations from generally accepted moral and ethical norms. It is focused that socio-pedagogical activities with primary school students who are prone to behavior with disabilities, provides prevention programs that have various forms and methods of activity: consultations conducted on the basis of diagnostic materials for both adolescents and the class as a whole; conducting classes with primary school students and their parents, where issues of moral and ethical development of children, problems of family upbringing, their causes and ways to prevent are discussed; seminars for teenagers, parents, teaching staff; joint parent meetings; collective analysis of information received by specialists and class teacher; holding joint events for primary school students, etc. In the study, we focus on the fact that a powerful preventive measure against vagrancy, drunkenness and drug addiction are physical culture and sports, circles of technical creativity, extracurricular activities. Experience shows that among all the existing approaches to the organization of preventive activities, there is an approach with a target setting for the approval of alternative activities: increasing the values of professional activity and business career; systematic approval of extracurricular work with students; formation of an attractive image of a healthy lifestyle and development of communication skills and perceptual experience; creation of forms of leisure activities attractive for the younger generation; formation of positive self-esteem, purposefulness, self-esteem through the creation of an environment of joint activities of primary and secondary school students, teachers, administration.
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