socio-cultural activity, children with special needs, leisure activities, game, artAbstract
The article actualizes the issue of socio-cultural activity as a level of development of children with special needs. The defining condition for the development of modern humane society is especially acute issues of social adaptation, integration of people with special needs and the formation of each of them socio-cultural activity. The most important problem of today is the reorientation of children and youth to independence, activity, personal responsibility, creating conditions for self-realization. The role and importance of cultural and leisure activities as an indispensable means of restoring the creative potential of the individual are also determined, its place in the socio-cultural sphere is analyzed. The effectiveness of cultural and leisure activities as a means of socio-cultural activity depends largely on the creation of conditions for the restoration and development of the most important forms of human life, the development of moral and value orientations; restoration and compensation of social ties; formation of socio-cultural experience; creative development of each pupil as a holistic personality. A significant reserve of socio-pedagogical work with such persons is the organization of various types and forms of cultural and leisure activities. In analyzing the most effective forms and methods of organizing cultural and leisure activities, researchers pay special attention to the game, which frees from many conventions of the daily manifestation of physical and intellectual forces, affects spiritual growth and personal uplift. During the game, a person seeks to get rid of unnecessary stress, dispel sadness, get rid of emotional overload, in an entertaining way to get cognitive information. Also no less important directions of cultural and leisure activities for children with disabilities is communication with art, which has many educational opportunities, as it actively influences the worldview, moral and aesthetic formation of personality. Understanding cultural and leisure activities as an indispensable means of activating the personality allowed to characterize it as a holistic, personality-oriented, value-oriented, cultural and creative pedagogical activity, which, if properly organized, can ensure maximum adaptation and integration of each pupil.
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