community, territorial community, volunteer activities, volunteer activities in the territorial communityAbstract
At the present time in Ukraine, the state policy on the decentralization of power and establishment of territorial communities is dynamically developing which involves the transfer of powers from the state level to local self-government bodies of the community. More and more rights, powers, opportunities, and resources are transferred to the control of the territorial community and its residents. One of the important tools of change is volunteer activities and activation of residents to improve life in the community by their own efforts. Involving residents in identifying general community problems, involving them in finding ways to solve them, thereby encouraging the community to take decisive actions to implement the identified criteria for solving community problems and, as a result, making the community active and active. The social activity and involvement of residents determine how quickly changes will take place in their community, which spheres of life will be supported, and in which areas the work will be created. If you can competently approach the organization of volunteer activities in a territorial community by involving the residents in the work and creating initiative volunteer groups, you can solve the problems of the community, thereby improving the lives of its residents and raising the community to a new level. One of the innovative forms of working with the community is online volunteering, which facilitates the organization of volunteer activities in the community. The goal of this article is to look at the main features of the territorial community and the aspects of volunteer activities that affect the development and organization of volunteering in the territorial community. Thus, the lack of steel algorithms and stages of organization of volunteering activities in the territorial community, in order to solve social problems of its residents is an urgent issue. This article examines the essence of the territorial community as a subject of volunteer activities and its residents as a subject of these activities; it reveals the concept of organization of volunteer activities in territorial communities, the peculiarities of volunteers' work in the present conditions. The essence of the basic understanding of "territorial community" and "volunteer activities in the territorial community" is revealed. The main features of a territorial community are specified. The specifics of the organization of volunteering activities in the territorial community are characterized.
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