science, education, discipline, teacher, student, methodology, technology, scientific researchAbstract
The article highlights the features of teaching the discipline “Methodology and technology of scientific research” for students majoring in “Social work”, which allows to fulfill public and state orders, providing the social sphere with staff capable of professionally solving problems in research, organizational, managerial, scientific-pedagogical, socio-project, socio-technological activities. It is noted that today there is an urgent need for highly qualified social workers who have good general scientific and professional training, capable of independent scientific and creative work. Three concepts of organization of research on social work (reflexive, socialist, reformist) are given. It is established that the discipline “Methodology and technology of scientific research” helps students to master the basic principles and methods of scientific research in the social sphere, as well as to study the methodological foundations and technologies of scientific research. The structure of the course is considered: the purpose of the material, main tasks, questions, keywords, theoretical material, practical component, control questions and conclusions. Methodological principles of conducting research by future social specialists have been formed, in particular: a) science – based on available data of science and the use of conceptual apparatus and sociological tools of modern science; b) objectivity – the exclusion of possible influence of subjectivist moments of consciousness of students and respondents on research processes, collection, processing and analysis of information; c) comprehensiveness – clarifying the various properties and relationships of the studied object in order to obtain the most complete and comprehensive information about it; d) pragmatism – the researcher’s focus on conclusions and recommendations that will be useful for public practice life. Taking into account the analysis of scientists, the tasks for practical classes and tasks for independent work of future specialists in the social sphere are conditionally divided into four levels: reproductive, partly exploratory, research, creative. Having synthesized the results of the research, examples of tasks to be performed by future social workers during practical classes in the process of teaching the course “Methodology and technology of scientific research” have been developed.
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