finance, financial support. the social protection; social Insurance; social assistance; financial support of social protectionAbstract
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the forms and sources of financing and financial security in the social protection system. It was found that finances play an important role in providing the necessary conditions for the formation, distribution and use of GDP in the country and providing all actors of social reproduction with sufficient funds to carry out their activities. Main forms of social protection: social insurance, based on the formed extra-budgetary trust funds at the expense of personal contributions of participants; social security, which provides for the payment of universal social assistance or services at the expense of national funds collected from the budgets of various levels; social assistance provided as material assistance or service subject to verification of the need for it, financed from public and private funds. It was established that the main purpose of social protection is to create and provide favorable socio-economic conditions for the comprehensive development of man as a cultural, economic and social individual. The strategy of social state policy should be aimed at ensuring the stability of life, reducing unemployment, reducing class financial inequality, overcoming poverty and strengthening social protection. The process of financial security can be divided into two stages: the formation of financial resources and the use of financial resources. It is determined that financial protection of social protection is considered as a system of monetary relations of distributive nature, in the process of which at the expense of taxes and special contributions are formed centralized and decentralized funds of financial resources that will be used to finance social benefits.
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