project, social project, social activity, project management, project activity, pedagogical project, educational environment, management system, sphere of educationAbstract
The article considers the implementation of social projects that are important for the development of regions, as they contribute to addressing a number of social, economic, material and spiritual needs of the population. The article highlights the prerequisites for the application of the project in pedagogy, its complex nature, the possibility of covering this form of work a wide range of different tasks, actions, as well as the inclusion of various humanities professionals, the creation of temporary teams to perform tasks and achieve certain goals comfort. Based on this analysis, the socio-pedagogical project is considered as an innovative form of organization of the educational environment, which is based on the complex nature of the temporary team of specialists in terms of active interaction with the environment. Such projects are aimed at fulfilling a specifically justified goal and a certain end result (changes), a plan of specific actions, limited to a specific period of time and material and financial resources. The peculiarities of the organization of the educational environment in the target Program of development of the capital education are considered. Management of educational projects at the regional level contributes to the concentration of efforts potentially capable of creative search activities of educators to break through in strategically important areas of the capital's education. In conclusion, it is necessary to consider the management of educational projects as the development (design) of an ideal model of management system, where its priority areas are concentrated.
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