domestic violence, physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, economic violence, restrictive order, social services, legal assistance, psychological supportAbstract
The fact that the number of victims of domestic violence is growing every year, however, to date, there are no reliable statistics about the real manifestations of the violence in the family, since the violence in the family is its most hidden form, is analyzed in the article. The adoption of an appropriate legislative framework regarding the protection of human rights and freedoms, who is subject to violence, is defined as an important mechanism of the social policy of the state, in accordance with international standards. The adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On prevention and counteraction to domestic violence”, which determines the organizational and legal basis for preventing and contracting to domestic violence, the main directions of the implementation of the state policy in the field of preventing and contracting to domestic violence, became a significant and decisive one. Support and assistance to victims of domestic violence by the state lies, first of all, in social (the providing of social services: the informing; the providing asylum; the emergency (crisis) intervention; the counselling; the social support; the representation of interests; the intermediation (mediation); the social prevention) and legal provision (the adoption of an appropriate normative and legal basis, the creation of organizational and legal institutions). Such its directions seem to be priority: the adoption and bringing in line with international documents of the normative legal basis; the provision of organizational and legal forms of interaction of all institutions that are involved in the system of protection of persons, who suffer from the domestic violence; the promoting of the effective activity of the territorial communities regarding the providing of social services to these persons (prevention is a priority one); the provision of the targeted nationwide prevention of the domestic violence; the carrying out the effective educational work regarding the forming of public opinion about the dangers of violence in general, domestic violence in particular.
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