



decentralization, community mobilization, factors related to mobilization, community social services


Summary. The article presents the results of the study of factors related to mobilization of territorial communities in Ukraine during decentralization. Based on the analysis of the literature, the characteristics and key stages of community mobilization around a recognition and solution of social problems are identified. The empirical part of the study included a survey of territorial communities representatives from six regions of Ukraine, as well as a survey of experts from community mobilization projects. In total, 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted through August 2021 to February 2022. The article describes the specifics of a community mobilization process at each stage: recognition of a social problem by the population and local authorities; identification of community leaders and development of their potential; finding and pooling resources inside and outside the community; community activities to solve social problems; community social capacity building and transition to sustainable development. The interviews provided an outline of what influenced the success of each stage, as well as the problems that interfere with the mobilization process. The study proved the existence of factors related to community mobilization in Ukraine, which can be an effective tool for achieving sustainable community development and meeting needs of the population. The following factors are highlighted: dialogue between the population and the government; tools for identifying social problems and community needs; presence of a leader or leaders in the community who inspire the trust of the population and are ready to develop and attract resources; community orientation on internal resources and constant search for additional internal resources; attracting external resources from the central government and public projects and programs; focus on prevention of problems, not just their solution; stability of the social services system; community development monitoring tools.


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How to Cite

ПАЛАТНА, Д. (2022). FACTORS OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES MOBILIZATION. Humanitas, (1), 86–93. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2022.1.13

