



ARV therapy, rejection, adolescents living with HIV, abortion, causes, stigma, self-stigma


Today, our country is one of the first countries in the European region in the number of HIV-positive people, which leads to a negative impact on social and economic life: reduces life expectancy, exacerbates poverty and social inequality. According to the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in 2021 15360 cases of HIV infection were officially registered in Ukraine. Adolescents are recognized in Ukraine as at risk for HIV infection and are identified by the WHO as adolescents who inject drugs using non-sterile injecting equipment; boys and girls who have unprotected sex as a result of sexual exploitation have unprotected, even forced sex for a fee. In the article, the authors emphasize that antiretroviral therapy does not destroy the virus, but stops the reproduction of HIV, restores immune function, prolongs and improves quality of life. Also, the article emphasizes that ARV therapy requires clear self-discipline and personal responsibility of each adolescent, as it means a lifetime of medication, which must be committed to treatment to be effective. Skipping or delaying medication can lead to disease progression, transmission of the virus to others, ill health, serious illness, and even death. There can be many reasons for stopping, refusing or discontinuing ARV therapy by adolescents living with HIV: for example, internal / personal reasons, which include: (institutions, fears, lack of awareness about the disease, treatment and consequences of abortion, negative examples of relatives , adverse reactions of the body from the use of drugs, frivolous attitude to treatment, unwillingness to receive lifelong therapy, self-stigmatization, distrust of doctors and social professionals) and external, independent of adolescents: (stigmatized society, geographical inconvenience, where possible receive ARVs, lack of confidentiality for consultation with specialists).


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How to Cite

СПІРІНА, Т., & УМАНСЬКА, К. (2022). ON THE CAUSES OF INTERRUPTION OF ARV THERAPY BY ADOLESCENTS. Humanitas, (1), 116–121. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2022.1.17

