activities, formation of readiness for preventive, pedagogical conditions, personal-oriented technologies, preventive activities, social workersAbstract
The readiness formation for preventive activities of future social workers is relevant in the conditions of integration of the higher education system of Ukraine into the European community. Given that the preventive approach develops in a single model with the advanced achievements of European experience – as a single model for the protection of human rights to health and social development, the actual direction of this process is the preventive activities of future specialists. The purpose of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers. The objective of this article is to study the levels of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers before and after the introduction of pedagogical conditions and analyze their effectiveness using appropriate methods. The following theoretical methods were used to solve the research tasks such as: analysis and systematization of psychological, pedagogical and educational sources in order to determine the state and theoretical justification of the problem; methods of empirical research, namely pedagogical experiment (consative and forming stages); methods of mathematical statistics (statistical processing of the results of experimental work and their interpretation); diagnosis of the readiness state for preventive activities was carried out by using the method of «Value Orientations» (Rokich), «Emotional Stability» (Eisenk), «Personality Orientation» (Rogov), «Ability to Empathy» (Yusupov), methodology of Bobrova and Kuzmin (which is based on the principle of matrix processing of results and the scale by Lycert to determine the coefficient of readiness for activity). Due to the systematic approach to the experimental part of the research, it was found that the level of readiness for preventive activities of future social workers has improved: the number of students with low levels has decreased significantly, and with a high one – has increased. The effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical conditions is confirmed by statistical methods.
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