bullying, mobbing, harassment, teenager, social orphanage, feature filmAbstract
This article deals with the problem of bullying, represented in the polycode canvas of feature films. The formation of children’s and teenagers’ intolerant attitude in to violent behaviors, to indifferent attitude to affected persons and awareness of violence as a violation of human rights is an urgent need of modern society, which must be solved urgently. The article analyzes the causes of conflict situations that can provoke bullying of one of the participants of the educational process. The author emphasizes that bullying is changing and acquires new features together with the development of society and has a devastating impact on all its participants. The necessity of cooperation and establishing relationships between teachers, parents and students who became participants of bullying is emphasized in this article. Encouraging parents to cooperate in order to overcome problematic situations, establish and maintain open relations between parents and children, between school and parents is the key to preventing conflict situations. The lack of proper family education, sometimes incorrect behavior of teachers can provoke a situation of harassment. Great importance is the creation of an atmosphere of openness, sincerity and trust. The article emphasizes the role of adults/parents in the education and formation of the child’s personality. The lack of parental care with living parents creates the phenomenon of social orphanage, which in itself can cause bullying/mobbing. The author emphasizes the important role of feature films as works of mass art in the process of educating teenagers and establishing their relationships with parents, teachers and peers. The article analyzes the feature films «Scarecrow» («Chuchelo») directed by Roland Bykov (USSR, 1983) and "Wonder" directed by Stephen Chbosky (USA, 2017) and indicates the influence of adults and their place in the lives of the main heroes.
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