social worker, specialty 231 Social work, youth work, institution of higher education, preparation for youth work.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the preparation of future social workers for youth work in Ukraine. The article aims to analyze the educational programs of training future social workers for youth work in higher education institutions. The research used such methods as analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific sources on the researched problem; comparative analysis of educational programs for training future social workers for youth work. The article mentions main educational institutions that train social workers; the peculiarities of admission to the appropriate level of higher education in the specialty of Social Work are covered; quantitative indicators from the EDBO system for admission in 2022 to the specialty of Social Work, as well as the names of educational programs of educational institutions that provide such educational services; educational programs that include preparation of future social workers for youth work have been singled out. The publication presents a comparative analysis of the Social Work (youth work) educational program in 2018 and 2022 at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, similarities and differences between these programs were highlighted and summarized in the tables. Also, a conclusion was made on the development and changes over the 4-year period of this educational program. It is concluded that in accordance with the EDBO and the official websites of the institution, the training of social workers for youth work is carried out in two institutions: at the master's degree level - Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University; at the Doctor of Philosophy level - Institute of Education Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; and from 2022 for the first time bachelors will be trained in the educational program "Social and Youth Work" National Technical University "Dnieper Polytechnic".
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