teacher’s assistant, persons with disabilities, social, adaptation, overcoming barriers, society, needs, studentsAbstract
Children and youth with disabilities will need weight, weight, medical care and social adaptation according to their individual abilities. The goal is to analyze social work with children and youth with disabilities in the city of Uman. Social isolation of children with disabilities increases if they belong to another vulnerable group. As an example, we can cite girls with bad external features, who, in the context of the current war in Ukraine, were deliberately taken out and buried and tried to beg for alms on the street. In this way, the process of forming the future teacher’s assistant’s readiness to work in the languages of inclusive education acquires a broader context. It is obvious that a modern teacher’s assistant must have a high level of professional, methodical and psychological readiness. The first of them covers systems of knowledge from the methodology of inclusive education and a high level of comprehensive pedagogical skills; the task consists in the teacher’s ownership of generalpedagogical and collection-developmental technologies; integrates the teacher’s own personal qualities (empathy, tolerance, emotional understanding of another person, flexibility, etc.). We conducted surveillance in one of the educational institutions of the city of Uman. The school team sees its first successes through inclusion in the results shown by the students. An interview was conducted with 23 students, specialty 231 «Social work» at the faculty of social and psychological education of the Uman Pedagogical University of Tychyna. This interview was conducted in the group after teaching the discipline «Teacher’s Assistant Preparation for Work in an Inclusive Classroom». For the analysis of the initial plan, we hope that the students at the beginning of the process will discard the necessary knowledge for work in mortgages with an inclusive orientation. Dane doslidzhennya does not exhaust all aspects of the aforesaid nutrition. Promising є further scientific development and practical activity in the sphere of development of inclusive tourism in Ukraine.
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