community, dialogue, conflict, mediation, participatory management, cooperation, facilitation, facilitatorAbstract
The article defines the peculiarities of the application of the facilitation method in specific conflict situations at the community level. Examples of the facilitator's actions and techniques in relevant situations are given. The principles of facilitation are outlined: individuality, informality, cooperation. It is emphasized that facilitation involves establishing, maintaining, supporting, restoring and developing relationships in the community. It is noted that the use of the facilitation method in resolving community conflicts in the context of mediation and dialogue can be an effective mechanism for community cohesion; promotes interaction based on trust, cooperation and respect; focuses on joint decision-making; adapts the conflict resolution process to the needs of the community and the specifics of each specific situation; increases satisfaction with the result of all participants in conflict resolution. It was determined that the result of facilitation is the overcoming of the barrier of non-expression by each participant, the formation of a sense of their own ability to influence the situation. Attention was drawn to the fact that the use of the facilitation method in resolving conflicts at the community level requires additional training of the facilitator, understanding of needs, problems, features of the functioning of the community, knowledge of social infrastructure, categories of people that need help, etc. The need for the facilitator to pay attention to the emotions of the participants and the facilitation process is emphasized. It is indicated about the possibility of encountering manifestations of problematic behavior, which should be considered from two positions: the challenge (identification of the triggering mechanism and the form of problematic behavior) and the opportunity (facilitator's reactions to problematic behavior that will contribute to the development and resolution of the conflict). Facilitation is also considered as a method that is used in the context of participatory practices to improve communication in a group, self-organization, and the creation of common and new things. It is emphasized that facilitating meetings provide an opportunity to see the situation in a broader focus, to look for joint solutions and to propose ideas.
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