social culture, society, people, personality, transformation.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical and practical prerequisites for the development of social culture at the current stage. It was found that social culture is a systemically integral social quality that reflects the achieved level of development, which is a set of social norms and values that have developed historically and are inherent in a certain social system. It was determined that the nature of value meanings and their intersubjective interaction as a source of transformation of values and meanings are among the essential features of social culture, which are defined as belonging to the culture as a whole. It was found that social culture is the most sensitive indicator of the realization of human rights, such as identity, national memory, self-respect and social peace. It was found that social culture illuminates the historically determined level of development of Ukrainian society, the creative abilities of a person, which are expressed in its organization and method of activity, created material and spiritual values, therefore the state of Ukrainian society is determined by the social culture of the Ukrainian people, that is, the degree of conformity of will and consciousness with nature laws of social life. It was determined that the development of social culture is important for Ukraine today, which can be ensured by adhering to the principle of democracy, according to which true democracy can only be guaranteed by the formation of the social culture of citizens. The prerequisites for the formation of social culture were considered and it was established that modern Ukraine, which has undergone transformational changes after the collapse of the Soviet Union, is experiencing a new wave of value transformation, which was revived after the Revolution of Dignity and continues to this day in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. It was determined that in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which affected millions of lives, social culture turned out to be an important tool for the indomitability of the Ukrainian people and a priority for the social development of society.
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