
  • Iryna Hunchyk
  • Svitlana Mykhalchuk


consecutive interpretation, interpreter’s note-taking, French, system of records, memorization, memory


The article deals with the problem of studying the psycholinguistic foundations of consecutive interpretation, which create the basis for the development of the appropriate methodology based on the interpreter’s note-taking. Interpreting in the consecutive mode is one of the most difficult among other types of interpretation because it requires conducting several activities simultaneously, causing considerable psychological strain. However, unlike simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpretation allows the interpreter to spend more time analyzing and converting the information. Moreover, in the course of consecutive interpretation, the interpreter has the opportunity to use records. Interpreter’s note-taking, as an additional means of fixing information while interpreting, is of particular interest. The paper focuses on the interpreter’s note-taking as an element of the sign system for fixing not words, but thoughts in the form of graphic symbols that can accumulate and condense input, improve attention and facilitate the process of interpreting the texte. The psycholinguistics aspects of interpreting notes are presented. The length of the text to be interpreted is directly related to the interpreter’s memory. The quality of interpretation is largely determined by the development and training of the interpreter’s memory. Interpreting consecutively requires the use of the interpreter’s note taking, that is considered to be an essential tool for memorizing the incoming infrormation. The records help to restore in memory the information previously received. The recording process stimulates intellectual activity and facilitates involuntary memorization. Particular attention is paid to the psycholinguistic perception of the symbols and signs. The article describes how logical connections are detected, how to reduce the psychological burden on the interpreter’s's memory, and economize time in order to reproduce the main thought.


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How to Cite

Гунчик, І., & Михальчук, С. (2021). PSYCHOLINGUISTICS FOUNDATIONS OF THE CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETATION BASED ON THE INTERPRETER’S NOTE-TAKING. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (11), 53–59. Retrieved from