
  • Lesia Malimon
  • Diana Lepka


onomastics, onym space, nomination system, proper name, onym, concept, frame, cognitive interpretation


The main characteristics of onym concepts and frames in the context of modern cognitive research have been outlined in the article. The peculiarities and functions of the onym space and its elements in literature have been distinguished. The principles of formation and development of onym space in the works of fantasy genre have been identified. The nomination system was investigated on the material of George Martin's series of novels “A Song of Ice and Fire”. Onyms in the series of novels have been defined and classified on the basis of the inductive method, i. e. a systematic classification of onyms based on the nomination, by origin, by denotation has been conducted; as well as on the basis of the deductive method, i. e. the onym frames (anthroponymic, toponymic, zoonymic, chromatonymic, chrononymic, linguonymic, phytonymic) and their subframes were defined on the basis of the investigated series of novels. A holistic analysis of the anthroponymic frame system in “A Song of Ice and Fire” has been conducted; the motives for nominations have been determined; allusive, characterizing, evaluative and expressive functions of the onyms and their contribution to the development of the plot have been analyzed. The peculiarities of the toponyms in the novel have been revealed; the existence of toponyms is one of the key factors for creating a holistic view of the world of fantasy by the author. The constituents of the toponymic frame have been divided into the following subframes: choronyms (names of territories), talamonyms (names of rooms), pilaionyms (names of gates), kiponyms (names of gardens), frurionyms (names of fortnesses and castles), hodonyms (names of streets), hydronyms (names of bodies of water), oikonyms (names of settlements and buildings). Historical prototypes of certain toponymic elements of the onym space of “A Song of Ice and Fire” have been determined. Zoonyms in the series of novels have been investigated and divided into the names of wolves and the names of dragons. The relationship between the zoonyms and the owners of the animals (for example, direwolves and the Stark children) have been defined and analyzed. The sameness of the animals’ fates and of their masters’ has been characterized. Some other onym frames, that constitute the nomination system of George Martin’s series of novels have been identified. They include chrononyms (names of segments of time), chrematonyms (names of objects of material and spiritual culture), phytonyms (names of plants), linguonyms (names of languages and dialects). The corpus of onym concepts forms the onym space of the novel that includes the proper names of all classes used to nominate real and hypothetical objects.


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How to Cite

Малімон, Л., & Лепка, Д. (2021). COGNITIVE PECULIARITIES OF THE ONYM SPACE OF GEORGE MARTIN’S SERIES OF NOVELS “A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE”. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (11), 71–79. Retrieved from