
  • Valentyna Kyrykylytsia
  • Tetiana Shevchuk


cognitive interest, motive, motivation, motivational sphere, Profession-Oriented Foreign Language Study


The article deals with the structure of motivational sphere, its types and varieties as well as the relation of the cognitive interest, motives and motivation as important components of the process of mastering a foreign language. The problem of the importance of motivation in the study of each subject has been highlighted. It is stressed that the conviction of the need for mastering the educational material results not only in the final level of students’ knowledge, but also in their positive attitude to the future profession. A number of explanations and factors of non-linguistic specialties students’ inadequate motivation for foreign language study have been analyzed, thеу may become an obstacle to successful professional communication in the future. The emphasis is made on the fact that the learning outcomes are much higher when students have motives which reflect the target perspective of mastering a foreign language and are based on understanding of the foreign language importance in the modern world and the possibilities of its use in professional activities. The necessity of formation of cognitive interest as the main motive of educational activity has been indicated, which under certain conditions becomes a personal quality and a means of learning. Particular attention has been paid to the role of a foreign language teacher whose task is to preserve, develop and create non-linguistic specialties students’ stable motivation which will guarantee their success in mastering a foreign language. The conclusion has been drawn about the ways of the motivational sphere formation in Profession-Oriented Foreign Language Study, namely: the selection of profession-oriented texts for reading, the use of discussion to revise the topic, the preparation of presentations, the implementation of projects, interviews, writing and presentation of the report in relation to the specifics of the future profession. In the prospect of the further research there is a practical examination of the application of the suggested methods of students’ motivational sphere formation and the search for their successful combination with other different methods, means and the latest technologies of teaching.


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How to Cite

Кирикилиця, В., & Шевчук, Т. (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ MOTIVATIONAL SPHERE IN THE PROCESS OF PROFESSION-ORIENTED FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (10), 136–143. Retrieved from