



advertising slogan, office equipment, goods, translation transformations


Today, any sphere of human activity is impossible to imagine without such a phenomenon as advertising. Advertising is aimed at attracting public attention to a phenomenon, product or service. The most interesting in terms of studying the advertising message is an advertising slogan designed to create a memorable image that carries basic information about the advertised object. The effectiveness of robots in modern institutions and offices is directly proportional to the office equipment they use, ie a set of mechanical and electronic devices. Foreign-made office equipment is in great demand in our country. When promoting a product in another country linguistic, cultural and sociolinguistic problems arose, the solution of which remains with the translator. Thus, the translation of advertising slogans of such goods is extremely relevant today. The language material, advertising slogans, was taken from Internet sites of office equipment leading manufacturers such as Intel, Hewlet-Packard), Asus, Acer, MSI (Micro-Star International), Philips, Apple. From the analysis, we can conclude that for the translation of office equipment advertising slogans such types of translation transformations as lexical, grammatical and semantic are used. According to research statistics, translators often use lexical substitution. There are several reasons for using this translation technique, namely the presence of a contextual synonym that can enhance the extralinguistic influence of the slogan in the target language; the presence of metaphorical adjectives in the original slogan; exclusion of the probability of the slogan negative perception; modification of the syntactic structure and means of stylistic expression of the original slogan when translated into Ukrainian. Among the lexical translation techniques for the translation of the analyzed advertising slogans the explication, omission and generalization are used. A very small part of the studied material, 2 %, was reproduced in Ukrainian by changing the syntactic structure of the sentence. Semantic translation transformations are represented by the method of selecting the equivalent (6 %) and omitting metaphors and idioms (2 %).


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How to Cite

ІВАНЧЕНКО, М. (2022). ENGLISH ADVERTISING SLOGANS OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT: TRANSLATION ASPECT. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (16), 67–71. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2022-16-10