
  • Iryna Hrytsiuk
  • Svitlana Milishchuk




emotional intelligence, older preschool age, social emotions, moral feelings, emotional state, emotional decentration.


Communication processes in modern society are characterized by a high degree of dynamism, integration, and globalization, which is caused by the development of information and communication technologies, the expansion of the spheres of educational, economic, and social cooperation both within one country and on a global scale. This defines the modern features of communication between all members of society, starting with early children and ending with people of mature age. There is an urgent need to determine methods of optimal communication, establishing mechanisms of mutual understanding and forming a balanced system of coexistence of society as a whole. In the context of the above, the special attention of psychologists, educators, and researchers in recent decades has been directed to the problem of emotional development and the formation of emotional intelligence of an individual from an early age. For this, the ability to be aware of one's own emotions, to establish cause-and-effect relationships that provoke different emotional states and affect the mood, the formation of skills in managing one's emotions and the skills of modeling behavior in accordance with the emotional manifestations of others is important. In this connection, the problem of the development of emotional intelligence (emotional intelligence) of an individual is becoming more and more relevant. It should be noted that recently emotional intelligence is considered as one of the most important components of emotional adaptation, personal well-being, interpersonal relations and general success in various situations of everyday life. The stage of preschool childhood is important for the formation of the emotional sphere of the personality: the child learns to express his own emotions, the ability to recognize the emotions of others is formed, which will contribute to effective interaction with others. And the sooner a growing personality acquires the skills of effective interaction with society, the more successful it will be in the future.


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How to Cite

Грицюк, І. М., & Міліщук, С. О. (2023). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Psychological Studies, (1), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.32782/psych.studies/2023.1.4


