
  • Оlena Ovcharenko




stress resistance, stress, adaptation, students, students with disabilities, fullscale war in Ukraine, war, pandemic, forced migrants, refugees.


The article examines the analysis of research on the stress resistance of students with and without disabilities in wartime conditions. It is shown that the prerequisite for increasing the stress load on students was the pandemic associated with COVID-19. It is noted that the vulnerable category of forced migrants associated with the full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine are students and young professionals who feel useless and have a big problem with finding housing and work. An empirical study was conducted on groups of students with and without disabilities of the University "Ukraine" using the methods of the Brief Resilience Scale (B. Smith) and the short scale of anxiety, depression and PTSD. It is found that students with and without disabilities have the same resilience and no traumatization of the mental state was found in them, due to adaptation to life in wartime conditions without negative consequences for themselves. It is shown that the impact of the full-scale war in Ukraine did not significantly affect the indicators of anxiety and resilience among students with and without disabilities, in connection with the introduction of modern distance learning technologies by the University "Ukraine". But, at the same time, in order to reduce tension, stress and exhaustion of student youth in the conditions of war, it is necessary to strengthen psychological support, which should be implemented in the institution of higher education to create safe, comfortable learning conditions. The psychological and physical health of students is a significant factor in successful self-realization. Stress and stress resistance especially attract attention in times of war, pandemics, global world crises, disasters, so this topic is relevant for research.


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How to Cite

Овчаренко, О. Ю. (2023). FEATURES OF STUDENTS’ STRESS RESISTANCE WITH DISABILITY AND WITHOUT DISABILITY IN THE WAR CONDITIONS. Psychological Studies, (1), 54–62. https://doi.org/10.32782/psych.studies/2023.1.8


