vocal technique, systematic approach, innovations, performance, vocal pedagogy.Abstract
The article deals with the topical issues of formation of vocal technique of students of education in the conditions of modern innovations of the higher art school. An analysis of the latest research and publications in the field of vocal pedagogy was carried out in the context of a systemic approach. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the role of a systematic approach in the formation of vocal technique of students and to reveal new opportunities for training highly qualified specialists in the field of vocal art. The methodology of the article is based on scientific research and analysis of literary sources, the use of an analytical method to review the latest research and publications in the field of vocal pedagogy and performance, focusing on a systemic approach. The role of the system approach in the training of highly qualified performers is argued, as well as the identification of new perspectives that it opens up in modern musical practice. The need to adapt vocal teaching approaches and methods to meet the needs of modern audiences and the demands of the music industry is emphasized. The theoretical aspects of the system approach in the context of vocal pedagogy are substantiated. The basics of the system approach, its principles and methods are considered. The structural components of the system approach in the formation of vocal technique are singled out, such as emotional-valuable, cognitive-active and reflexive-regulatory. The importance of a systematic approach in the comprehensive development of vocal technique and raising the professional level of future specialists in the field of culture and art is emphasized. The conclusions indicate the positive effects of the systemic approach on the process of formation of vocal technique, in particular, the improvement of the quality of artistic and performing skills of students in the context of modern innovations. Prospects for further research in the field of vocal pedagogy using a systemic approach are also highlighted.
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