



author's handwriting, vocal cycle, intonation grain, musical dramaturgy, poetics of style


The purpose of the study is a holistic analysis of the poetics of the style of Valery Antonyuk's vocal cycle «Warm Songs on the Lyrics of Valentina Antonyuk». The research methodology: the research uses a complex of scientific methods from the fields of cultural studies, art history, philosophy, literary studies. The conducted research allows us to assert that Valeriy Antonyuk's vocal cycle «Warm Songs on the Lyrics of Valentina Antonyuk» is built according to a holistic musical and dramaturgical principle, according to which each of its individual numbers performs an individual function, embodies a certain stage of the development of the plot. Scientific novelty. It has been established that, having created the vocal cycle «Warm Songs on the Lyrics of Valentina Antonyuk», the composer Valeriy Antonyuk wrote a work that is emotionally different from the lyrical content of the poetess' poems. Thanks to their musical «translation», the verbal series of the work is perceived in a different way, thanks to which the genre poetics of the style is enriched and receives new additional features, meanings, and figurative elements. Conclusions. The conducted research allows us to assert that cycle is built according to a holistic musical and dramaturgical principle, according to which each of the individual numbers performs an individual function, embodies a certain stage of the development of the plot. The dramaturgy of the work has tangible features of symphonism, which are manifested in the development of the initial intonation grain, with its most active phase in the last number, as well as in the creation of an arch system of organization of parts of the cycle. The musical canvas of the songs is permeated by cross-genre and intonation symbols that deepen the emotional and meaningful shades of the poetic text: it is a uniform chordal pulsation that embodies the philosophical image of the time; second lamento intonations, characteristic not only for the melodic motives of the vocal part, but also as a structural element of chords; the use of genre models to emphasize emotional depth (recitation as resistance; vocalization – to intensify mourning; dance genre as the embodiment of irony and sarcasm; bells to create the effect of sublimity, choralness, etc.). Together with verbal symbols, musical crosscutting elements are synthesized and polyphonized throughout the cycle, which leads to their qualitative transformations and the formation of figurative-thematic, intonation, textural-dynamic and stylistic arcs. The double author's performance of this music constitutes new synthetic compounds of the poetics of the style of chamber and vocal music. The work of Valeriy Antonyuk «Warm Songs on the Lyrics of Valentina Antonyuk» is a vivid example of artistic and conceptual integrity of the highest order: it is a genre-determined vocal cycle in the style of «neoclassicism», in which all components of the music-speech system are subordinate to a single function: the expression of the most subtle emotional shades of the figurative meaning of the poetic word.


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How to Cite

АНТОНЮК, В., & ФЕДОРОВСЬКА, І. (2023). "WARM SONGS" BY VALERIY ANTONYUK ON THE LYRICS OF VALENTINA ANTONYUK: POETIC OF STYLE. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (4), 3–13. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2023-4-1