



musical culture, composer, creative activity, composer's work,, communication, music in the theater, Ukrainian musical culture


The purpose of the study is to model the dimensions of the composer's creative activity in the Ukrainian musical culture of the XXI century. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need for a scientific understanding of the latest cultural-creating processes of the XXI century in their multidimensionality. Scientific novelty. For the first time in scientific practice, modeling of the dimensions of the composer's creative activity was carried out on the material of the composer's work of the XXI century in accordance with the forms of communication carried out in one or another creative activity of the artist. Conclusions. In the cultural space of the XXI century, the figure of the composer realizes his creative activity in several dimensions. The form of communication is a defining criterion that enables the modeling of dimensions of creative activity. The composer's individual creative activity involves auto-communication, that is, the artist's concentration on his own internal creative process. In the creative activity of the composer, communication is carried out between all its equal participants within the creative association. The creative activity of a composer in a higher educational institution of the artistic direction involves communication, which is related not only to the composer's creativity, but also to pedagogical activity. In terms of the composer's creative work in theater and cinema, music is one of the components of the overall action, therefore the composer's work is subordinate to the director's idea, and communication takes place between all participants in the production process. Creative activity in experimental creative projects, where communication depending on the concept of a specific project can take various forms, is seen as the most complex and variable dimension of composer creativity. The dimensions of the composer's activity that we have modeled can be combined in the work of one artist, and thus form a complete system of creative activity in the context of the space-time of modern musical culture.


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How to Cite

ПАЛАЧОВА, К. (2023). DIMENSIONS OF COMPOSER’S CREATIVE ACTIVITY: MODELING EXPERIENCE. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (4), 58–62. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2023-4-8